Yield from 1.2%
per day

IN MetaBlue LLC BUSINESS LINES Earn money using MetaBlue LLC's opportunities in various digital asset management areas

Easily accessible crypto trades registration
Built algorithms for arbitrage trading
Automated cryptocurrency trading
Passive income organization on staking
5% / Daily


  • Term: 5 Days
  • Min Amount: $500
  • Max Amount: $999
  • ROI: 25% after 5 Days
5% / Daily


  • Term: 5 Days
  • Min Amount: $1000
  • Max Amount: $4999
  • ROI: 25% after 5 Days
8% / Daily


  • Term: 5 Days
  • Min Amount: $5000
  • Max Amount: $49999
  • ROI: 40% after 5 Days
20% / Daily


  • Term: 5 Days
  • Min Amount: $50000
  • Max Amount: $100000
  • ROI: 100% after 5 Days

Profit Calculator

You must know the calculation before investing in any plan, so you never make mistakes. Check the calculation and you will get as our calculator says.


Cooperation with 70+ cryptocurrency exchanges

Daily yield from 1.20% per day

30+ partner payment systems

Flexible and efficient functionality

Open Yield Planning

Partner lending service for arbitrage trading MetaBlue LLC trade

MetaBlue LLC provides favorable lending rates to increase trading volume when making arbitrage trades.

Instant approval and increased credit limits after user identification.

Credit system

The MetaBlue LLC platform and the MetaBlue LLC trade service will allow you to get a trade in the desired cryptocurrency at a favorable interest rate in a few clicks. Increase your arbitrage funds with the no credit history lending tool and earn proportionate returns on arbitrage trading volume.

Arbitrage trading

  • Inter-exchange cryptocurrency arbitrage with a licensed algorithm
  • Yield from 0.20% for each arbitrage trade
  • Algorithmic selection of the best rates, taking into account the Spot Exchange Score rating of the trading platform
  • Selling licenses with a gradation of potential trading volume choice and financial return
  • Instant income generation process after closing a transaction on a currency pair
  • Automating arbitration processes via API with the leading TOP-10 cryptocurrency exchanges

Trading automation with MetaBlue LLC trading robots

The MetaBlue LLC platform facilitates the trading process through robotic trading support. Choose a profitability package for trading an algorithmic robot on cryptocurrency volatility and margin. View online trading statistics and conduct transaction monitoring in transactions.

Staking is an alternative to received dividends profitable storage

Direct investment in cryptocurrency mining using Proof of Stake technology with the instant withdrawal possibility will increase the coin liquidity for further withdrawal to the IPO and provide a high level of profitability without additional separate investments.